Hafnia Law Firm is a Danish law firm organized as a limited liability partnership and registered in the Central Business Register with no. 39186446.
The attorneys are certified by the Danish Justice Department, are part of the Danish Bar and Law Society (“DBLS”) and have taken out professional indemnity insurance and provided a guarantee in accordance with the rules of DBLS. The Insurance covers all business wherever conducted.
The attorneys are subject to rules in the Danish Administration of Justice Act as well as DBLS’ bye-laws and code of conduct, which can be found at www.advokatsamfundet.dk. Complaints over conduct or fees may be lodged with the Disciplinary Board of DBLS, Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
Bank: Hafnia Law Firm has client accounts in Sydbank A/S, where client funds are deposited unless otherwise agreed. In the event of a bank’s bankruptcy, the Danish Guarantee Fund will cover up to EUR 100,000 of the client’s total funds in client or other accounts in the bank, cf. the Danish Depositor and Investor Guarantee Scheme Act.
Professional indemnity insurance: Hafnia Law Firm has taken out professional indemnity insurance and guarantee insurance against loss resulting from unlawful use of client funds with Codan Forsikring A/S. Information about any additional covers is available on request.
GDPR: Our privacy policy can be accessed via this link.